Score Football Centres // 5 A-Side Characters

Score Football Centres are a state of the art indoor football facility, based up in Coleraine, Northern Ireland.

Having done photos for them before, I pitched an idea I had for a facebook promotional series to drive forward engagement.

The idea was to take a series of photos that would represent a list of stereotypical 5 A-Side football characters, or better put, the type of ordinary people that play football all around the world every week with their friends.

From ‘The guy who will shoot from anywhere’, to ‘The human scoreboard’ and the list went out.

The campaign went out over social media and increased user engagement by asking people to tag their friends in the post who most likely fits the stereotype.

Below are some of the photos used.

David Cavan

Photographer based up the north coast of Ireland.

Thirty Six Hours in Maribor // A Photo Essay


Michael & Stephanie // Strandford Wedding